August 14, 2007

A Four Dollar Movie

We discovered our local movie theater this week. On Tuesdays, all day, you can see a movie for $4.00!!!!!! That means that 3 people can see a film for almost the same price of one ticket in Manhattan. They also have matinee prices: any show before 5pm is $5.00.

The films are your usual mega-plex fare, but for $4, I'd sit through almost anything on a hot summer day or night. This evening we saw "The Bourne Ultimatum". It was not as bad as we expected, and we actually thought it was pretty good. But it was a $4 good. We probably would have been more critical if we had paid $10.50.

The Sunnyside Cinema definitely has character. The interior hasn't been updated since probably the 1970's, the films are scratchy and there is soda splashed on the screen. But I can't believe it's only 4 bucks!!!!!!!!!

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